
20 October 2010

thank u!!

Thank u to liya, suhaila, atikah, danish n awang for making me laugh sooooooooooo much!!!! thanks a million guys!!! u made my day!!

17 October 2010

spm oh spm.

bonjour !
hai hello !
today is 17th october 
it's 37 days until the DAY of my life.
or also known as SPM.
and it is exactly a month and a week.
i am scared likee hell.
feel like crying !
but, my teacher said, 
there is no use to go and cry n get stressed.
just better go open up ur books and do many many exercises!  
my teacher got a point there. rite?

good luck to all form 5 2010.
do your best ! 
please pray for me ! 

15 October 2010

hai.. again..

it's been a while since i didn't post anything here.
hye there! assalamualaikum. bonjour. :)
currently listening to terlanjur cinta by rossa n pasha.

aq trlanjur cinta kepada mu
dan telah ku berikan seluruh hati ku
tapi mengapa baru kini kw bertanyakan cinta ku
aq pun tak mengerti yg trjadi
apa slh dan kurang ku pada mu
kini terlambat sudah untuk dipersalahkan
kerna sekali cinta aq tetap cinta

i dunno what has happened to me. 
i can't get this song out of my head.
i guess that i remember u when i hear this song. 

hm. but the difference between the lyrics and my reality life 
is u never ask me again about my love to u.

a player is always a player.
always have and always will. 

if u weren't a player, a heartbreaker and a king-control of everything.
you're gonna win the award 'my perfect boyfriend'
yes. but that won't happen and you'll never come back again.

and i really hope that i can get over you soon.
i hate what i'm feeling now.

jaja n yana used to said; 

there's plenty fish in the sea, avoid the shark.

i quote back. and i'll keep that in my bare mind!

that's all for now.
yours faithfully,
Mariam Hanani.
p/s : my blog will become more organised after spm. got no time. :)

03 October 2010

i dunno what's happening

kejap2 nak lpakan dia,
kejap2 nak try setia utk dia,
apa hal jd ngan aq ahh??
rimas la cmni..
i thought being single will make your heart more peaceful.
i guess time will tell..
Allah, help me please. D:
i got SPM to attend,
i got to eliminate all this distraction..
go away BOYS!!

01 October 2010

sunday, tuition time

hello. assalamualaikum ! lamanya xupdate! 
hey people !
i'm very2 single now !
haha! i'm not trying to promote my self ok! 
just wanna let u know. i'm tired with this couple maple thingy.
ok, tuition time.
semangat ckit tusyen kali ni, sbb kali terakhir jmpa dia.
dia di sini adalah sorg lelaki yg ada cute face tp kening tebal.
i just admire him, cuz i like watching him silently.
i know. i just LIKKKKEEE him. that's all and that's it. 
balik2 aq tepandang dia n dia pandang aq. i like that feeling!
mungkin aq prasan sorg2 la tp at least aq happy! hehe.
last dia tusyien ngan ktaorg. so aq je la yg sdih.. :'((
yg lawaknya, last tusiyen, ble2 dia cirit birit.. 
empat kali masuk tandas n empat kali jugak minta tisu kat cikgu.
cikgu smpi tanya "kmu ni ok x?"
dia jwb "ok cikgu, panas je tandas cikgu tu."
cikgu jwb "mmg la panas, dah xda kipas dlm tu."
dia senyum ja...
 *dgn mata yg sepet dia tu! aww! very cute!*
kali ketiga dia masuk.
cikgu ckp "cikgu call mak kamu ye."
bole2 dia jerit ckp "cikgu jangan cikgu, jangan cikgu!! nanti mak sy marah. jangan cikgu!"
cikgu dduk bdpan ngan dia "apa masalh kamu ni? crita la."
aq dah gelak smpi ttup muka ngan bku..
cikgu buat lawak antarabangsa ke apa?
bole2 cikgu suru dia crita apa masalah dia hadapi kat tandas tu. 
yg llaki suma act cool ja, c naqib ngan haziq.
mungkin korg yg baca ni xtau la dpt rasa kefunnyan nya tu atau x..
org2 yg ada kat sana je ketawa mati2, *aq la yg pling over*
haha! anyway, tq Mr.Q.. u made me happy that day. 
even though kw kena blik awal.  
bye2 mr. Q. we won't be meeting each other again. i'll miss u! :D 

22 August 2010

stop with all of your crap man !

stop saying stuff that make me ashamed in front of other people,
stop saying that i love my friends more than i love my family,
if i do love my family more i wouldn't have stay at your house,
i'll stay at my friends house ok !
stop blaming me for not being around the house,
u should know that i am busy with tuition and school activity,
and when i go makan2 with my fwen is my 1st tem jalan dgn kwn2 in the whole month!
yg pagi2 tu aq g kelas tambahan add maths, then jalan kaki dgn nijan g utama jaya,
tuition add maths n maths,
tu pun kw mrh ka aq jalan kaki ?
aq xnak nyusahkan korg n aq xnak lmbt !
korg tu betebiat tau x ?
da la lama xpegi tuition tu,
lgpun kw nak ke tumpangkn kwn2 aq ?
penuh kreta deng !
itu pun kw mau mara2,
edesh !
tem mkn2 tu pun kw bising2,
kw xtau ka ini last year aq dgn dorg2 ni aahh??
tolong la! bkn penah pun aq buka puasa dgn dorg, dah la 12 org ckup,
suma org dtg, xkn aq nak kasi spoil !
kw tau ka cara kw ni buat aq makin stress!
biar la aq dgn kwn2 aq, bkn slalu pun !
aq ok dgn cara tu, jan la kw bikin aq stress tau x??
urgghh !!!!

hari pembaziran sedunia

hello !
assalamualaikum !
hari ni first tem g bazar,
huhu, cian kan, puasa seminggu sda
mula2 round2 dlu,
yg 1st beli @ merasmikan c ziah la,
beli air keladi, then aq, beli nasi kerabu,
kakak tu heran knp aq minta x letak lada
hee ! aq senyum ja lebar2,
haha! then abg beli pari panggang,
booking dlu, pas masak bru g ambk, rm 5 ja,
then abg ni mau beli ayam golek lg,
aq ckp la "biar betul kw bang?"
dia senyum2 ja, mesti nda hbs tu nanti,
then c ziah plak mau chocolate cake, aq tumpang skali beli cheese cake,
ngee ! pandai x?
then ayah cr nasi lemak,
aq ckp la, "mana ada la pa. nani xnmpk pun nasi lemak dr td"
ayah aq ckp "aah kan, baba pun xnmpk, dorg ni banned nasi lemak ka?"
 ngee !
aq geram c ziah xnak pegang air keladi dia, aq plak yg pgang,
org len pun liat aq semacam,
i puasa ok people !
then beli air katira (xpasti la, lupa cmana nak eja)
abg beli air tebu kat gerai yg bnyk gila org beli air ni,
ayah xgalakkan cuz pelik,
punya bnyk pelanggan tu org, mcm org gila dorg nak air dia,
my dad ckp la, "mesti dorg ltak something tu"
not only my dad ckp cmni,
rmai act,
then on the way blik ke kereta, aq kira brapa bnyk plastik yg ada, adala dlm 30
aq tnya ayah aq "pa, do u usually buy thi much ?"
then my dad ckp la, "no la, bila korg ikut ja jd cmni, bnyk duit terbang"
aq pun "ahhh???"
haha! next time xnak aq ikut dah, 
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