LetMeBeWithYou: May 28, 2010

28 May 2010

walau eh !!!

hye peps !!!
u know what ??
at tumblr, i was emailing this girl from Singapore..
i didn't expect she would reply my question!!!!
gosh !!!
mcm mau pngsan ja dpan laptop!!!
help !!!
she gave me advice about how to make beautiful pics...
thanks annabel !!!
owe u big time girl !!! =)

so haaappppy !!!!

gambar lama yg x terupload upload !!


the swimming pool !!

with arman, kaka didi , kaka bel !!
to people who learn physics , there's refraction on the pool !!

the playboy house 

the ismail clan ! waha !!
the ladies !
sir yes sir !
act, she is angry to me... can't u see her face ?
ala, sori, lupa kasi rotate....
ble jadi model rite ?
the cute one !

sharing is caring
we want the rabbit  !
our block "R"
the victoria peak
bru hbs mandi trus kna bawa jalan
my faveourite drink !!!
again , the ladies !
at the stairs
smart x??? me yg tangkap tu !!
susu !!!
eh !!! lembu !!!

the elders !!
our shadow !
yeay !!
tem capi2, haha !!

let's hug !!

exited !!!
sabah tea!!


act, bnyk lg tp xlarat la... sakit pinggang, karang mlm mau upload gmbr yg latest lg...
see ya !!!

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