LetMeBeWithYou: to do lists....

13 December 2009

to do lists....

sunday mornin!!
wake up really early!!
my to list for today is

> maths , maths , maths
huhu!! madam mahani's maths homework not yet finished.. about 20% more laa...
nurul even call it 'maths novel'... chaiyo2 for that for all 4J 2009!!

> let'z drive!!
nek bah teach me how to drive, dunno laa... so scared if i crashed into the tree.. we'll see about that...

> wash cars!!!
get dirty in mud n car wash soap... can't wait to play with water!!!

> asks nek nanan n nek nina about top up...

> open lelong website n buy a pepper spray...

> study up bio , chem , phys n do 2 questions from the +m3 book...

> text and asks 'him' about anything...

> text ustaz wan and asks about the class pass...

> ask all the question to jaja...
(hbs la kw jaa.... ba.... nda la ku tau tu... hohoho)

> zero gravity ~ david archuleta vids search !!!


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