LetMeBeWithYou: Nov 13, 2009

13 November 2009

i got my final year exam results!!!

hye!! assalamualaikum!!
after 3 days absence from school, finally my mum n dad let me 2 go to school...
my mum n dad forbid me to go 2 school my i had my health problems... other than that, my dad strictly ask me just to stay home cuz we do nothing than just sitting around at the classroom... hee!!
well... i miss my fwens... haha!!! only few of them were coming...
hmm.... my chemistry results are
~ paper 1 30/50
~ paper 2 42/100 (not even a half!! so sad!!)
~ paper 3 23/50 (huu!!!)
then to know the percentage whether i failed or pass...
just add all the marks and divide by 2....
(30+42+23) / 2 = 47.5
haha!! pass!!! and the grade is D7....
now, the results for my Agama Islam...
63 for paper 1
84 for paper 2
and my percentage is (63+84) / 2
is... 74!!! haha!!! an A2!!
now for physics....
31 for paper 1
28 for paper 2
and 24 for paper 3....hoho!!
and my percentage is 46... woho!! another pass and the grade is D7!!
now for history...
23 for paper 1..
and 33 for paper 2...
gladly.... my teacher let me pass!! and it's accurately 40!!
haha!! thank God....
the grade is E8.... huu!!
now for biology...
paper 1 28
paper 2 25
paper 3 33
the percentage is 43...
hm... E8... sad!!
for est... 33 paper 1 and 19 paper 2...
and the percentage is 65... the grade is B3...
my add maths...
27 for paper 1 and 34 for paper 2...
the percentage is 34.....failed!!!!
so sad....
i'm not satisfied with all my marks.... but i beat my brother cuz my brother never even pass for chemistry...
hoho!! (proud!!! 0_0)
but i already try my best n i won't give up!!!
i'm going to study more harder!! pray for me!!!
chaiyo2 kaerie!!!
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