LetMeBeWithYou: Mar 12, 2010

12 March 2010

love you me !!

honestly ,
the truth is that ,
you know i never leavin' ,

sure i'll never leave you ,
cuz u save me !!!
tq so much !!!

jaja jmpa dia kat layangan ,

act , i don't plan what to post ,
so melalut la ni ...
don't mind me !!!

my friends say i'm a fool to think ,
that you're the one for me ,
heh !!!
really ???

don't take him away from me please ???

last post before holiday ...

assalamualaikum , hyeoo !!!
ok , it is te last pose cuz afraid d sana xda wifi ,
so xdpt la on9,
n mls mau bwa laptop cuz ari tu smpi sakit blakang bwa laptop,
sekeliling kk cuz ayah xmau kasi tinggal dlm hotel ,
jd rite now ,
ok ,
event for today is ,
mesyuarat agung pgawas ,
p'lantikan ahli2 jawatankuasa baru,
mula2 dah tanam azam ,
~ xnak cadang
~ xnak ttup cadangan
~ xnak telibat dgn apa2 pun !!!
then teka what ??
abg haiqal cdgkan jd setiausaha ,
mati eh ,
xnak !!!
tp bila tgk mata dia td ,
nmpk sinar " do the best , jan hampakan abg "
so mau xmau tpksa la ,
insya ALLAH ,
akan ikhlaskan hati...
tq !!!
wish me luck !!!

event for last nite ,
buat paper2 +m3 spm taun2 lpas ,
nmpk perut ckgu ,
ada org hntr ayat2 jiwang ,
n i was like
"biar btul kw budak ???!!!"
hrp2 kpala kw x sot la ah ,
pkir blik apa yg kw hntr tu ,
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