LetMeBeWithYou: Apr 11, 2010

11 April 2010

huuu !!!

A bf challenge his gf to live a day without him. No communications at all and if she passes he will love her forever. his gf agreed. she did not text or call him the whole day. without knowing that his bf has only 24hours to live because his suffering from a cancer. she excitedly went to her bf’s house the next day.tears fall apart as she saw his bf lying down on the coffin, with a note ” you did it well baby, can you do it everyday? i love you.

my confession ~~

hyeeoo !!
assalamualaikum peps !!
okay ...
pas fikir bnyk kali td....
tem kat laut..
pas bincang btul2...
i've been thinking...
yes .. he is not matured...
but i dunno...
tunggu la dia matured dlu..
klu dia masih gak xbrubah..
entah la...
honestly , i love him ,
but it's just to hard...
to let him go just like that...
his a one in a million guy...
his lie the first guy yg ska aq , lestu in the same time aq ska dia tnpa ada rasa kesian or rasa apa2..
my feelings to him is like so natural...
i dunno why...
jaa... fadzi... 
i just can't let him go that easily...
entah la napa...
my feelings to him like so strong....
hhhuuuhh !!!
i'm trying to be more patience more than ever..
please pray for me...
and now i starting to defying gravity....

best friend

to jaja n fadzilah

' Best friends ' aren't the ones who you've been friends with the longest, but it's the ones who will stick by you all the way til the end .

for you... 
tq for everything babes !!!
i love you both very much !!!
tq tq tq !!!!

teardrops on my add maths book

I’ve found that it`s a good thing to go through heartache at one point or another in your lifetime. Not the petty, childhood heartache. But the horrible kind we’ve experienced. But see, when you get to the healing part of this, you will have so much love to share with someone. You will be able to appreciate someone in ways even you cannot understand. You will be so much stronger than you were before. I know how much this sucks right now and I know it seems unfair, but when it’s all said and done with, this will all make sense. All this pain you are going through at this moment will eventually teach you some of the greatest lessons in life you will ever need to learn.

and that is the intro for today .
why the because ??
cuz u tell me a girl ( i know her ! )
wink at you ..
how my heart break my dear !!!
entah la....
panat sda ni syg..
hantam kw la mau buat apa..
basah bku add maths ku oleh mu..
bodo ba kw ni !!!
hish !!
2 org skong aq break dgn kw..
~ siti hajar azlan 
~ norfadzilah sulaiman 

entah la...
amybe i just off my phone then...
entah laaa....

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