LetMeBeWithYou: Aug 16, 2010

16 August 2010

updating ...

helllo, assalamualaikum =D
sorry lama xupdate, 
many problems in life n bz with study group, tuition n stuff...
what had happened ah this weekend...
lpa sda aq...
nangis tem buka puasa...
air milo dgn nasi lemak masin trus..
huhu, trus terbantut selera nak mkn...
makan pun xsmpi 1/4 trus minta diri...
then g bilik...
hp vibrate...
dia call then tdgr la aq nangis...
dlm2 nangis tu tpksa gak besiap, g tuition...
smpi umah sir, 
sir ckp 
"come in!"
then sir tenung aq...
trus ckp 
"mariam, are u okay?"
i just nodded my head n smile...
ke ai n fadzilah noticed n trus g pili tmpt dduk jauh2 ckit...
bila blik2 ttup muka pkai jacket, sir tgk aq semacam..
then trus sir suru jawab soalan...
sorry to jajaa, fahmi, sir, drama team, geng2 motosikal, 
sorry cuz tpksa melayan, mndgr or terliat aq nangis...
bawak kan je la sabar...
just please pray that i'll be strong like i used to...
thank you..   
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