LetMeBeWithYou: Apr 12, 2010

12 April 2010

just got back from school

haha !!
hye3o peps !!
just got back from school..
bsok ada ceramah pengguna d skul...
aq , pikah , teecah n dQin ikut...
dgn budak2 form 4 la...
knp budak2 form 4 dr skul bedaun x ikut ???
i mish him ooowww...
huuu !!!
penat owh susun krusi td...
hee !!
buat pahala skli skala...
nghehe !!
anyway , td ada cikgu ni..
jaket dia lawa siot !!!!
i likeee so much..
dr 1st aq jumpa ckgu tu ,
mmg i can't take my eyes from him laah..
haha !!
i like his style...
pandai bergaya !!
hehe !!
lestu , aq jmpa Mr . F tem smbhyg kat masjid td....
my gosh...
i like to see his face !!
dunno why...
but salah ka ah ??
ada feelings like that ??
syafiq marah ka ah mun ia tau ???
for you information , i am really happy today !!!!!
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