LetMeBeWithYou: Mar 7, 2010

07 March 2010

never let you go ~ justin bieber

giving credits to Miss Siti Hajar Haji Azlan for giving me this song ,
sweeeet gilak !!!
best la jaa!!!

ok ,
bru blik jalan dgn abg n dady...
pas ni nak jalan lg dgn mama n daddy,
jalan je tau c mariam ni,
ska hati la ,
apa kw pduli ??

bila buka blog td , nmpk kat hjung tu ??
undefined ???
apa bnda tu ah ???
cmana nak kasi hlang ???
anyboddiiie ??
help plez ???

jaja : u do know this song !!!

I saw so many pretty faces
Before I saw you
Now all I see is you
Don't need these other pretty faces
'Cause when your mine in the world
There's gonna be one less lonely girl

haah !!! lagu one less lonely girl !!!
gila !! nak nangis ow dgr lgu ni , soooo sweeet ooouuww!!!
( brangan , kekeke!!)
jaja , sorry aq ckp pasal husband kw dlm blog aq , hehe!!
yg part atas tu , aq bygkan c hubby nyanyi utk aq !!!
haha!! budu !!
tp rasanya klu dia nyanyi lgu tu , mmg ngam cuz mmg dia slamatkan aq ,
tq hunnie !!!
n bila part "fix up ur broken heart " huhu!! nangis..
xtau la knp ,
hunnie hunnie ,
len kali bila teddy sms ,
"fix my broken heart plez ??'
jan reply cmni
understand me plez ???
tq !!!

bongok !!!

pada satu ptang ,
time tu mmg aq pnat gila ,
jd msej tu aq sngaja xreply ,
4 jam lambat i think ,
sapa suru msej aq tem aq pnat ???
dia hntr " da ada borang ksong ?"
aq reply " huh ?? borang ksong pa ??"
dia reply beberapa minit pas aq reply , laju geng !!!
" borang ksong utk jd husband mu ??"
aq hntr , " alum kali pakah ?? klu aq break ama ia pun aq mau tnggu c dia yg ku syg , jan behrp la k ?? buang masa + karan kw ja tau ??" ( a bit kejam la tp tpksa !!)
dia reply " ok , let me know when u are single "
me ~ speechless !

honestly , i dunno la what to say about this guy ,
yg aq tau dia ni , llaki pling setia pnah dtg dlm hdup aq ,
dr tadika siot dia tggu aq !
aq ja xmau layan...
1stly cuz dia patut dpt a better girl than me ,
yg ble setia utk dia n i am surely that girl is not me !!!
2ndly cuz hello ??!! aq dah ada hubby ok , xnmpk ka ,
u expect me to leave my hubby couple with you ???
bnyk cantik muka kw ???
klu kw tom cruise time muda dlu xpala en ??
( wakaka!!! )
3rdly the crystal clear ,
i don't love you ,
i love my hubby ,
( paling best punya alasan... weeeee!!!)
beribu ampun maap la geng...
i won't leave my hubby...
my advice to you , find another girl plez ??
i'm not the only girl in this world ,
so , aq doakan kw ,
dpt lupakan aq , dpt a nice wife nanti n hope it's not me ,

jaja ~

rasanya kw bemasalah ni...
n i think u are madly , deeply with him huh ??
sabar ja la ah ???
aq cma dpt dgr luahan hati kw jaa..
i can't help u by making him deeply madly fall in love with you...
tp hrp2 ni mmbantu la...
hope so hunn =)
and here are some quotes for u...

Just know that you're not in this thing alone
There's always a place in me you can call home

fight for ur love babe !!!
dun be like me... hee !!!

i need inspiration , not another negotiation.

we just need to slow down...
rite ??
stop me from crying...
when u talk n ask about her , there's inside of me is hurt...
okay ???
need ur inspiraton n strength from u...
sarang hae yo hunnie
p/s : plez cr sbb y u love n like me...
desperately need to know ...
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