LetMeBeWithYou: May 21, 2010

21 May 2010

could we ever be like this ?

Me plus you, i'll take that number, multiply your smile, minus the drama, give me a fraction of your heart, i'll solve your problems, now put that together, we make up a perfect equation

Dear M,
You seem really upset lately.  I don’t like seeing you like that.  It hurts you as much as it hurts me.
You seem lost.  Like you can’t find your way.  As if you have wandered off too far into a cloud of fog and can’t seem to find you way out of it.
But isn’t it part of the climb?  The one you always told me about.  Sometimes the mountain path gets a little windy or foggy.  The rocks crumble a bit underneath your feet and you feel like it’s all over.  But it’s okay.  It really is. 
You see that turn ahead of you?  I think it’s going to bring some happiness.  Please believe me just like how I believe you all the time.
But I’m not going to tell you how to live your life because you never told me how to live mine.  If you decide to wait a while before taking that turn, it’s okay.  I understand what it’s like to be afraid.
After all, it’s your own mountain to climb.  And once you reach the top, I hope you’re able to look down and know that I’ll always be there to catch you if you step a little too close to the edge or if life knocks you down too hard.
I hope you’re happy with whatever you want to do. 
iloveyou.  :D♥
Your forever sidekick.

xda kena mgena dgn aq , but i like the words !!
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