LetMeBeWithYou: my confession ~~

11 April 2010

my confession ~~

hyeeoo !!
assalamualaikum peps !!
okay ...
pas fikir bnyk kali td....
tem kat laut..
pas bincang btul2...
i've been thinking...
yes .. he is not matured...
but i dunno...
tunggu la dia matured dlu..
klu dia masih gak xbrubah..
entah la...
honestly , i love him ,
but it's just to hard...
to let him go just like that...
his a one in a million guy...
his lie the first guy yg ska aq , lestu in the same time aq ska dia tnpa ada rasa kesian or rasa apa2..
my feelings to him is like so natural...
i dunno why...
jaa... fadzi... 
i just can't let him go that easily...
entah la napa...
my feelings to him like so strong....
hhhuuuhh !!!
i'm trying to be more patience more than ever..
please pray for me...
and now i starting to defying gravity....


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