LetMeBeWithYou: insomnia....

30 November 2009


need help here....
i can't sleep!!!
i hate having an insomnia!!!
i slept around 2230...
then at 2330 i woke up...

i don't really know why i am having this disease...
it makes me so much in miserable!!!
at 0100 i went out from my room and i saw my bro watching harry potter...
so i join him and turn on the internet...
then i sign in yahoo...
n little jaja is still online...
so we talked a while...
then she said she felt sleepy....
then only left my brother n i...
it's gonna be a long night (cuz it's too cold and a bowink nite!!!)..........
n i dunno what to do....
any suggestion????
well my brother asks me to download the video he wants....
i'll do that later...
let's just forget about this!!!

let's remember about happy2 stuff that happen 2day...
my aunty bb had born a cute a daughter name Namira...
it was uncle dhani's idea giving his 2nd child name Namira..
if i'm not wrong, Namira is a name of mosque...
i don't remember where the mosque is located but what i know is uncle dhani wants to give that name since he got back from Umrah..

i can't wait to meet her!!!
really really can't wait!!!!
hope that uncle n aunty will follow our family trip to Brunei so i can meet n play with Namira!!!
really happy with this news!!!.
my dad said i was over excited..

never mind...

as long as i'm happy...

n my huNy told me something...
really hapy when he says stuff like that..

hehe!! hope the relationship lasts......
i think i'm going to search new songs for my brother...
i'm not sure at what time i'll be sleeping.....
hope to sleep early than 0400 cuz tomorrow i want to go accompany my brother having a hair cut....
hehe!! can't wait cuz my dad wouldn't let me out if my brother won't follow (and another reason that i can't tell, hee!!!)....

that's all... i think this post is too long.... don't you think???
haha!! sabar ja laaa.....
hope to update my blog again tomorrow... hehe!!!


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