LetMeBeWithYou: how should i say this to you??

14 December 2009

how should i say this to you??

this post is actually for u...
sory cuz tiba2 tpksa stop texting dgn kw...
hp cel ku nda dpt hntr msej...
tiap kali hntr 'message sending failed'
sbr ja la aq...
mm... cmana aq mau ckp dgn kw??
kw mau aq jjur atau nda??
first of all..
really sorry klu kw nda dpt trima apa aq ckp ni...
i have to be honest with u...
sapa lg mau tgur kw klu bkn kwn kw sndr...
frankly speak my dear...
i am really clearly disappointed with u...
mungkin hati aq lg luka dr ia...
cuz i knew u for about 4 years my dear...
aq knal kw...
tp aq xpnah jangka ini tindakan kw...
i am really really shocked...
if i were u...
aq bg ia peluang...
suru ia buktikan cinta ia utk kw...
klu kw puas hati dgn confession ia, try la pupuk cinta tu dlm diri kw...
kw suru ia brubah jd lbih bek...
taun dpan spm...
kw kna fkir jga apa akan jd dgn ia...
klu ia t'bwa2 smpi studynya t'ganggu...
hmm... Insya Allah nda...
aq sda ckp kan ari tu...
bg ia peluang...
just for one more time...
everybody deserve a second chance...
not just him... u too...
kw bg la diri kw peluang utk ia...
letak ia dlm hati kw...
ubah feeling tu...
jan biar prinsip tu pgaruh kw buat kptusan ni...
i don't think this is what u want...
aq cma mampu doakan kptusan kw buat xslh n ko bhgia...
take ur time to think about this...
aq bkn mau buat kw makin stress...
aq cma tgur apa yg aq rasa perlu dtgur...
i2 la namanya kwn kan???
apa2 pun kptusan kw , i'll always be ur BFF...
keep that in ur mind!!!
n i want u to hear this song...
kw try hayati lgu ni... kw ltak tmpt kw dlm kadaan ia...
bygkan ia nyanyi lgu 2 smbil meraung2 menangis2 arah kw...
( na... smpi cmtu skali aq minta... ish2...)
fhmi btul2 mksd lgu tu...
Nick Jonas & The Administration ~ Who I Am...
lgu blog aq skang pun i2...
made up ur mind...
apa2 pun kptusan kw...
aq try trima dgn hati yg tebuka...
Insya Allah...
have a nice day...


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