LetMeBeWithYou: stop with all of your crap man !

22 August 2010

stop with all of your crap man !

stop saying stuff that make me ashamed in front of other people,
stop saying that i love my friends more than i love my family,
if i do love my family more i wouldn't have stay at your house,
i'll stay at my friends house ok !
stop blaming me for not being around the house,
u should know that i am busy with tuition and school activity,
and when i go makan2 with my fwen is my 1st tem jalan dgn kwn2 in the whole month!
yg pagi2 tu aq g kelas tambahan add maths, then jalan kaki dgn nijan g utama jaya,
tuition add maths n maths,
tu pun kw mrh ka aq jalan kaki ?
aq xnak nyusahkan korg n aq xnak lmbt !
korg tu betebiat tau x ?
da la lama xpegi tuition tu,
lgpun kw nak ke tumpangkn kwn2 aq ?
penuh kreta deng !
itu pun kw mau mara2,
edesh !
tem mkn2 tu pun kw bising2,
kw xtau ka ini last year aq dgn dorg2 ni aahh??
tolong la! bkn penah pun aq buka puasa dgn dorg, dah la 12 org ckup,
suma org dtg, xkn aq nak kasi spoil !
kw tau ka cara kw ni buat aq makin stress!
biar la aq dgn kwn2 aq, bkn slalu pun !
aq ok dgn cara tu, jan la kw bikin aq stress tau x??
urgghh !!!!


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